Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tomorrow, tomorrow, we'll have pie tomorrow....

I've been baking for two evenings...almost finished.

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's getting closer.....

Thanksgiving is near and I am preparing my shopping list for this weekend. Oh, my, I am going to need a u-haul to carry all the groceries home. And two days to cook.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The election is over...let's concentrate on Thanksgiving now

Crustless Pumpkin Pie
from Coming Home with Gooseberry Patch©

4 eggs, beaten
15-oz. can pumpkin
12-oz. can evaporated milk
1-1/2 c. sugar
2 t. pumpkin pie spice
1 t. salt
18-1/2 oz. pkg. yellow cake mix
1 c. chopped pecans
1 c. butter, melted
Garnish: whipped topping, chopped walnuts,
cinnamon or nutmeg

Combine eggs, pumpkin, evaporated milk, sugar, spice and salt. Mix well and pour into an ungreased 13"x9" baking pan. Sprinkle cake mix and nuts over top. Drizzle with butter; do not stir. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to one hour, testing for doneness with a toothpick. Serve with whipped topping sprinkled with nuts and cinnamon or nutmeg. Makes 8 to 10 servings.

Monday, November 03, 2008

So very true.......

During this election year let's be reminded of these words:

* You cannot help the poor, by destroying the rich.

* You cannot strengthen the weak, by weakening the strong.

* You cannot bring about prosperity, by discouraging thrift.

* You cannot lift the wage earner up, by pulling the wage payer down.

* You cannot further the brotherhood of man, by inciting class hatred.

* You cannot build character and courage, by taking away men's initiative and independence.

* You cannot help men permanently, by doing for them what they could and should, do for themselves.

Do you recognize the author?

It was Abraham Lincoln

Very, wise words, written years ago and we still don't get it.....
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