Thursday, May 19, 2011

I love books....

And magazines are books!

I have quite a few vintage magazines that I prize highly. My oldest one so far is the May, 1888 issue of "The Cottage Hearth". A one-year subscription was $1.50 or 15 cents per issue.

It contains an article by Mary Bartol entitled "The Author of 'Little Women'".

Included is an article "Artful Decoration and Amusement" by A. W. Ombat, which has pictures of a "Frame for Marine Picture' and "Row-Boat Bookshelves". Good design lasts forever.

And the "Latest Styles in Millinery".

Click on the images to enlarge them.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I love old books and magazines! Thank you for sharing yours. I am surprised about the rowboat bookshelf. Who would have thought it was an idea form the 1800's!

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